Group leader
PhD thesis
Rotational relaxation of linear molecules in dense noble gases, University of Amsterdam, 1977
- 1972-1977: Graduate student, FOM/University of Amsterdam
- 1977-1980: UCLA Chemistry Department - postdoc with Prof. J.P.McTague
- 1980-1981: Shell Research in Amsterdam
- 1981-1986: Condensed Matter Physics, University of Utrecht
- 1987-2007: FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) in Amsterdam. After 2007: advisor
- 1987-2008: Nominal Professor of Computational Physical Chemistry at the University of Utrecht
- 1998-2007: Part-time Professor of Computational Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam; after 2007: part-time “Faculty Professor”
- 2007- : 1968 Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,UK
Distinctions and Awards
- 1969: Unilever Chemistry award
- 1975: ZWO “CECAM” grant
- 1975: Shell travel grant
- 1985-1986: Visiting lecturer at the K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
- 1994: Dutch “chaperone”-speaker of P.G. de Gennes at the 1994 NWO-Huygens lecture
- 1997: “Physica” lecturer of the Dutch Physical Society
- 1997: “Lennard-Jones” lecture of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
- 1998: Regents lecturer. University of California at Los Angeles (USA)
- 1998: Elected member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
- 1999: Bourke lecturer and medalist of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
- 1999: James Franck Institute Distinguished Lecturer. University of Chicago (USA)
- 1999: Eli Burstein Lecture in Materials Science, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
- 2000: NWO/SPINOZA-premie 2000
- 2002: Elected Member of the “Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen”
- 2004: Rothschild Professor, University of Cambridge (UK)
- 2005: Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
- 2006: Foreign Member Royal Society (London)
- 2007: Aneesur Rahman Prize of the American Physical Society
- 2007: Honorary Doctorate, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- 2007: Alder-CECAM prize for Computer Simulation of the European Physical Society
- 2007: Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award
- 2008: Elected Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
- 2008: ERC Advanced Grant